Board of Directors

In 2017 a new Board of Directors of the DSEF was elected, for a three year term and a new executive committee was put in place.

Myra de Groot

Myra de Groot

Stichting Dravet syndroom Nederland/Vlaanderen (Netherlands/Belgium)

Acting Chair

Renata Heusser Jungman

Renata Heusser Jungman

Swiss Dravet Syndrome Association (Switzerland)


Simona Borroni: Gruppo Famiglie Dravet Onlus (Italy), Treasurer

Simona Borroni

Gruppo Famiglie Dravet Onlus (Italy)


Galia Wilson: Dravet Syndrome UK (United Kingdom), Member of the Board

Galia Wilson

Dravet Syndrome UK (United Kingdom)

Member of the Board

The Board of Directors (virtually) meets once a month. All members are invited to a video conference every three months. Karin Jibaja from the Netherlands is Assistant of the Board of Directors.